Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Really...really...really a sad Sunday (25/4/2010) for me after know the result of interview of BPG.

I am being startled and sad when I key in I/C no. n they wrote that "Harap Maaf, nama [CINDY HO LAI PENG] tiada dalam senarai nama temu duga KPLSPM ambilan Jun.

My ambition as a teacher is ....................................................................................................


Work hard to study get a good result in SPM is to further our studies and apply courses and scholarship we want easier...
Actually, is not......
Fate...Luck...is need fate and luck in our life !!!

I ready for my Form 6 d!!!


mola said...

Do sad d na~ You will get your JPA scholarship.. and futher your studies in overseas,, cheer up!

Cindy Ho said...

My sadness only short term...

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