Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mist at Perlis

When I woke up this morning

I thought I'm at Genting Highland...

but not i'm still at campus

oh no mist at Perlis

the mist is covered the view

luckily, it din't felt very cold

because i have to bath in the morning

Below are some pictures that i had took this morning on the way to class:

~view from gymnasium~
~view from the corridor~
~view from the corridor on the way to class~

~view from my block~

~view from my block~

~view from my room~

p/s: First time I saw mist at Perlis

Monday, March 21, 2011

Supermoon on 19th March 2011

"Supermoon": Biggest Full Moon in

18 Years Saturday

"Beautiful" moon will be bigger and brighter than

regular full moon, expert says.

Andrew Fazekas

for National Geographic News

Published March 17, 2011

It may not be faster than a speeding bullet, but Saturday the moon will make its closest approach to Earth in 18 years—making the so-called supermoon the biggest full moon in years.

The monthly full moon always looks like a big disk, but because its orbit is egg-shaped, there are times when the moon is at perigee—its shortest distance from Earth in the roughly monthlong lunar cycle—or at apogee, its farthest distance from Earth.

Likewise, because the size of the moon's orbit varies slightly, each perigee is not always the same distance away from Earth. Saturday's supermoon will be just 221,566 miles (356,577 kilometers) away from Earth. The last time the full moon approached so close to Earth was in 1993, according to NASA.

The March 19 supermoon, as it's called, will be visible "pretty much any time during the night," said Geza Gyuk, astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago.

"Look for the full moon as it rises above the eastern horizon as the sun sets below the western horizon—it will be a beautiful and inspiring sight," he said via email.

(See "Year's Biggest Full Moon, Mars Create Sky Show [2010].")

Though the supermoon will be about 20 percent brighter and 15 percent bigger than a regular full moon, the visual effect may be subtle, added Anthony Cook, astronomical observer for the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.

"I doubt that most people will notice anything unusual about this full moon," Cook said.

"Because the total amount of light is a little greater, the biggest effect will be on the illumination of the ground—but not enough to be very noticeable to the casual observer."

Japan Earthquake Not Linked to Supermoon

Such a lunar close encounter can cause slightly higher than normal ocean tides and localized flooding—especially if there is already a storm surge, astronomers say.

A supermoon may even have some impact on seismic activity because of the stronger gravitational interaction between the moon, the sun, and Earth.

Even so, there is no clear evidence that any of these phenomena influenced theJapan earthquake and tsunami.

(Read more: "Can the Moon Cause Earthquakes?")

"The earthquake in Japan happened when the moon was close to its average distance to Earth—there was nothing extreme about its position or phase," Cook said.

"While some earthquakes seem to have tidal connections, this isn't one of them."

(Take a moon myths and mysteries quiz.)

There's no need to get worked up over a supermoon, Adler Planetarium's Gyuk added.

"We survived 2008 [an almost supermoon year] and 1993 just fine," he said by email.

"Just keep in mind even this 'extreme' supermoon is not really that extreme!"

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1月8日 潜 力 爆 发








名 人

艾维斯普里斯莱(Elvis Presley)美国摇滚歌手“猫王”,同时也是电影演员,以及大众的偶像。生平共录制了45张金唱片,拍了20部电影,享年42岁。当他去世的消息传出,成千上万的歌迷、影迷前往他在孟菲斯的华厦吊唁。


美国出版家法兰克尼尔森道伯戴(Frank Nelson Doubleday),主掌双日出版社,曾以笔名C.T.怀特菲尔出版《一个美国人在英国》一书。

史蒂芬霍金(Stephen Hawking)英国物理学,也是一位星相学家。他以研究黑洞物理而闻名,探讨爱因斯坦广义“相对论”可能产生的结果,对于宇宙的起源有一套理论,著有《时间简史》。

德国指挥家、钢琴家及作曲家彪罗(Hans Von Bulow),娶了作曲家及钢琴家李斯特(Liszt)的女儿科西玛(Cosima)。但是科西玛后来离开他,嫁给了著名的歌剧作曲家理察华格纳(Richard Wagner)。







Tuesday, March 15, 2011

一半 - 丁当(高清HQ完整版)


Yesterday, hang out with my dear Christine Xiao Ling.

We meet at S.M.K.(P) Treacher Methodist,Taiping

which is our secondary school...

Then,we went to Taiping Central...

we have a lunch at McD

Then, have a movie titled Johnny Depp is Rango...

The movie was quite bored......

Next, we went to Siam Stall to eat n chit chat ...

Later, we went to Tesco ...

That's more enjoyable and awesome day for me...^^I'm felt very gay although just two of us,

hopefully, next time MinYee will join our gathering :)

There are some pictures are snap during the day:

~Xiao Ling~

~Xiao Ling n I~

~at McD~

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